We integrate advanced medical treatments with compassionate care to offer you a personalized and professional experience. Our primary objective is to instill confidence and comfort as you embark on your fertility journey abroad. We take the time to listen to and answer any questions you may have and investigate all of your fertility treatment options. Dr. Glujovsky, personally overseeing your treatment from inception to completion, ensures a dedicated and empathetic communication approach, fostering a collaborative decision-making process.
What sets us apart is our commitment to evidence-based medicine, aligning our medical strategies and interventions with international clinical practice guidelines. We prioritize the utilization of the best available scientific evidence, tailored to each patient’s unique preferences and values.
Our cutting-edge embryo lab is not only equipped with top-tier incubators and high-quality culture media but is also staffed by seasoned experts. This level of professionalism maximizes embryo growth, resulting in the highest success rates for our patients.
Our range of services includes intrauterine inseminations, in vitro fertilization (IVF), ICSI, egg donation cycles, gestational surrogacy, and the option to use donor sperm. We also offer fertility preservation through egg freezing. Employing advanced technologies such as Tunel, Zymot, and preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies (PGT-A) with next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS), we ensure the most comprehensive care.
To further enhance our processes, we’ve recently incorporated state-of-the-art artificial intelligence devices, including the Embryoscope, Magenta, Violet, and cutting-edge devices for sperm and oocyte selection. Our commitment to excellence and innovation underscores our dedication to achieving the best possible outcomes for you on your fertility journey.
Dr. Demian Glujovsky MD MSc, a reproductive endocrinologist in infertility, is a senior attending physician and serves as the Scientific Director at CEGYR (Eugin group) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This infertility clinic boasts a renowned IVF program, an extensive egg donation program, and a thriving surrogacy program. He has served as the Egg Donor Coordinator and the Clinical Investigation Coordinator at CEGYR. Dr. Glujovsky has completed his fellowship in Reproductive Medicine at IFER (Instituto de Ginecología y Reproducción / Insitute of Gynecology and Reproduction), Buenos Aires, Argentina, and received the degree of specialist in Reproductive Medicine from the Argentine Society for Reproductive Medicine (SAMeR). Dr. Glujovsky is member of the Eugin Group Scientific Committee (GSC), member of the Argentine Society for Reproductive Medicine (SAMeR), the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and the European Society of Human Reproduction & Embryology (ESHRE).
Simultaneously, he has completed a Masters of Clinical and Health Care Effectiveness given by the University of Buenos Aires, Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), with the collaboration of teachers from the Harvard School of Public Health. There, he earned an award for exemplary qualifications. He has practiced in two recognized reproductive centers in the United States: Reproductive Medicine Associates (RMA) of New Jersey and the Center for Women’s Reproductive Care at Columbia University in New York City.
He has completed his university residence in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the CEMIC (Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas / Center of Medical Education and Clinical Research) University. Dr Glujovsky has also earned the honor of the physician’s degree at the University of Buenos Aires.
As a scientist, Dr Glujovsky works every day to obtain new information for improving the practice of reproductive medicine and general medicine. He is the author of numerous scientific articles and medical research. Dr Glujovsky is the Scientific Director at Cegyr (Eugin group), is an investigator in the Health Technology Assessment and Economics Evaluation group at the Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) – and an INAHTA member (International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment)-. He has been accepted into the Workshop of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis dictated by the Cochrane Center Coordinator in the Iberoamerican Cochrane Network (Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy). He is the main reviewer of the first Cochrane review of reproductive medicine written in Argentina. After that, he published several other Cochrane reviews and relevant papers in peer-reviewed journals such as Fertility and Sterility. Besides, he is an Editor of the Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility Group, Editor of the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics (JARG), and an external reviewer in several other scientific journals.
Every year Dr. Glujovsky gives conferences for other fertility specialists and seminars for patients, sharing the latest updates in reproductive medicine (i.e. speaker at the Annual Conference of the Foundation for Reproductive Medicine in NYC). He has already given two seminars for patients in the USA (New York, NY and Asheville, NC), four in Australia (Brisbane and Hobart), more than 10 in Uruguay (Montevideo), one in Bolivia (Santa Cruz), three in Paraguay (Asunción and Ciudad del Este) and one in Chile (Santiago).
Director and founder of Fertility Argentina, the Unit of International Patients that takes care of the patients at Cegyr (Eugin group) where more than 250 medical travelers go every year. Specialist in reproductive medicine and master in clinical effectiveness. He earned an award for exemplary qualifications. He set Cegyr’s egg donation program in 2005 and coordinated it for several years. Now, this egg donor program is the leading program in the region.
Every year Dr. Glujovsky takes care of hundreds of patients that come from abroad. He is recognized in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and in all the countries of South America. He has given seminars for patients at New York (USA), Asheville (USA), Brisbane (Australia), Hobart (Australia) and Montevideo (Uruguay).
Editor at the Cochrane Gynecology and Fertility Group. Scientifi Director at Cegyr (Eugin group). He published more than 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals and more than 100 presentations at international scientific meetings. Dr. Glujovsky also earned an award for your researchers at CEMIC.
Titles, Certifications and Postgraduate Education
-Certified Medical Tourism Professional (Medical Tourism Association)
-Expert in Medical Genetics (University of Valencia)
-Master degree in Clinical Effectiveness specializing in Research and Management
-Specialist in Reproductive Medicine (SAMeR and National Medicine Academy)
-Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (IFER)
-Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology – University Residence in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CEMIC)
-Physician Medicine School. University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Honorary diploma.
Internacional training in asssisted reproduction
-Online course of University Expert on Medical Genetics – University of Valencia
-Course of Medical Tourism (Medical Tourism Association)
-Executive Management Development Program – School of Business of University Torcuato Di Tella (UTDT) in Argentina
-29th Annual In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer – A Comprehensive Update – UC San Diego School of Medicine – Coronado, California, EE.UU.
-26th Annual In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer – A Comprehensive Update – School of Medicine at UCLA – Santa Barbara, California, EE.UU.
-Workshop of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis
-Argentine Cochrane Center Coordinator, Iberoamerican Cochrane Network
-Rotation at Reproductive Medicine Associates (RMA) of New Jersey. Morristown, NJ, EE.UU.
-Rotation at Center for Women’s Reproductive Care at Columbia University. New York, NY, EE.UU.
-Program of Clinical Effectiveness (PCE) in University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Award for exemplary qualifications.
-Bianual Course in Reproductive Medicine (SAMeR)
Member at the Editorial board at Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics (JARG)
Assistant Editor at Reproductive Health journal
Assistant Editor at the Revista Reproducción (from SAMeR)
Since 2010
Peer reviewer Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics
Since 2012
Peer reviewer The Lancet
Peer reviewer Journal Reproductive Biomedicine Online
Peer reviewer Plos One
Peer reviewer Eurpoean Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology (EJOG)
Since 2013
Peer reviewer Reproductive Health
Since 2014
Peer reviewer Human Reproduction
Assistant Editor of the journal Reproducción Humana (ISSN 1666-5538) – Asociación Latinoamericana de Medicina Reproductiva (ALMER)
International Scientific Meetings
ASRM annual meeting
Anaheim, California, USA
October 2022
ASRM annual meeting
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
October 2021
ESHRE annual meeting
Vienna, Austria
June 2019
XXVI Cochrane Colloquium
Using evidence. Improving lives.
Edinburgh, Scotland
September 2018
10th World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress (WMTC)
Los Angeles, USA
October 2017
XXIV Cochrane Colloquium.
Using evidence. Improving lives.
Capetown, South Africa.
September 2017
ASRM annual meeting.
San Antonio, Texas, USA.
October 2017
Mid-term Ibero-American Cochrane meeting.
Medellín, Colombia.
June 2017
XXIV Cochrane Colloquium
Challenges to evidence-based health care and Cochrane
Seoul, South Korea
October, 2016
ASRM annual meeting
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
October, 2016
Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility Group meeting
Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health.
Oxford, UK
April, 2016
ASRM annual meeting
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
October, 2015
XXIII Cochrane Colloquium
Filtering the information overload for better decisions
Vienna, Austria
October, 2015
Mid-term Ibero-American Cochrane meeting
Montevideo, Uruguay
May, 2015
ASRM annual meeting
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
October, 2014
XXII Cochrane Colloquium
Evidence-informed public health: opportunities and challenges
Hyderabad, India
September, 2014
ASRM annual meeting
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
October, 2013
XXI Cochrane Colloquium
Better Knowledge for Better Health
Quebec, Canada
September, 2013
XX Cochrane Colloquium
Auckland, New Zealand
October, 2012
XIX Cochrane Colloquium
Scientific Evidence for Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety
Madrid, Spain
October, 2011
XVIII Cochrane Colloquium
The Joint Colloquium of the Cochrane & Campbell Collaborations.
Keystone Resort, Colorado, USA
October, 2010
International Workshop of Reproductive Medicine
Red Latinoamericana de Reproducción Asistida
Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Reproductiva (SAMeR)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
November, 2009
Reunión conjunta: Avances y controversias en Reproducción Asistida. “A treinta años del primer nacimiento por Fecundación in Vitro”.
VII Tribuna Magistral de CEGYR
Reginoal Workshop pf the Red Latinoamericana de Reproducción Asistida
Buenos Aires, Argentina
September, 2008
Cryopreservation of Human Oocytes, Ovarian Tissues and In Vitro Maturation (IVM)
Serono Symposia International Foundation
Buenos Aires, Argentina
March, 2008
General workshop of the Red Latinoamericana de Reproducción Asistida
Mar del Plata, Pcia. Buenos Aires, Argentina
April, 2007
The Seventh Annual ART of Donor Oocytes and Third Party Reproduction Conference
Charleston, South Carolina, EE.UU.
June, 2005
NY Metropolitan Embryologist Society Meeting
“PGD for infertility” by Santiago Munne
Weehawken, New Jersey, EE.UU.
August, 2005
Presentations at scientific meetings
2018 at 26th Cochrane Colloquium. Edinburgh, Scotland
– “Background section at Cochrane reviews: is it supported by systematic reviews?” (oral presentation)
-“Introduction to Covidence – Cochrane’s recommended online tool for review production” (workshop)
-“Description of trials and Systematic Reviews exclusively retrieved by LILACS” (poster)
-“Discussion section at Cochrane reviews: is it supported by systematic reviews?” (poster)
– “Do Cochrane systematic reviews report results integrating certainty of evidence and effect size?” (oral presentation)
-“Overlapping of indexed trials and systematic reviews over time among Embase, PubMed, Cochrane Library and LILACS” (poster)
2017 at 25th Cochrane Colloquium. Capetown, South Africa
-“Survey among IVF professionals to assist the development of a decision aid in reproductive medicine” (poster presentation)
-“Burden of disease vs. RCTs in the Southern cone of Latin America ” (oral presentation)
-“Comparison of trends in study designs types in LILACS and PubMed in the last decade” (poster presentation)
-“Conduct and dissemination of epidemiological systematic reviews in Latin America and the Caribbean: Pitfalls and lessons learned” (poster presentation)
-“Optimising rapid-review production: New search filter to identify simultaneously systematic reviews, guidelines, health-technology assessments and RCTs in PubMed” (poster presentation)
-“Overlapping of trials and systematic reviews between LILACS and PubMed” (oral presentation)
2016 at 24th Cochrane Colloquium. Seoul, South Korea
-“Shared decision making and decision aids in MEDLINE” (poster presentation)
2015 at 71st annual meeting of ASRM 2015. Baltimore, USA
-“Misleading reporting in major fertility journals: poor use of confidence intervals and absolute differences” (poster presentation)
2015 at 23rd Cochrane Colloquium. Vienna, Austria
-“Are 3 days enough to capture the key evidence for HTA documents?” (oral presentation)
-“Fewer randomized controlled trials in fertility and gynecology field: why is this happening?” (poster presentation)
-“Misleading reporting in major fertility journals: poor use of confidence intervals and absolute differences” (poster presentation)
-“Progress of PROSPERO registering systematic reviews” (poster presentation)
-“Connecting with others willing to help: the Project Transform task exchange platform” (workshop)
-“Covidence: Cochrane’s new online tool for review production” (workshop)
-“How can we ensure high quality, up-to-date Cochrane Reviews? The Project Transform production models pilot” (workshop)
2015 at Mid-term Ibero-American Cochrane meeting. Montevideo, Uruguay
-Información engañosa en las principales revistas de fertilidad: escasa utilización de intervalos de confianza y diferencias absolutas. (oral)
-¿Son tres días suficientes para captar la evidencia clave en los documentos de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias? (oral)
– Progreso del registro PROSPERO para revisiones sistemáticas. (Poster)
– ¿Menos ensayos controlados aleatorizados en el campo de la fertilidad y la ginecología? (Poster)
2014 at 22nd Cochrane Colloquium. Hyderabad, India
-“Adherence to reporting guidelines in biomedical journals of Latin America” (poster presentation)
– “Assessment of reporting quality in infertility journals” (poster presentation)
– “Potentially misleading reporting of comparisons in Cochrane systematic reviews and in major general medical journals” (poster presentation)
-“Effectiveness searching of Lilacs database for systematic review” (workshop)
– “Streamlining your review using Covidence” (workshop)
2013 at 69th annual meeting of ASRM. Boston, USA
– “Effect of body mass index on aneuploidy” (poster presentation)
2013 at 21st Cochrane Colloquium. Quebec, Canada
-“EROS dialogues with RevMan Data Extraction, Quality Assessment and more”
-“The growing trend of indirect comparisons meta-analyses topic appearance in medical literature”
Ciapponi A, Glujovsky D, Bardach A, Garcia Marti S, Comande D
-“MAPA: a live meta-analysis with customized tables in a live map”
-“Effectiveness searching of Lilacs database for systematic review” (workshop)
-“Network meta-analysis in Health Technology Assessments: how frequently used and how necessary are they?”
-“Usefulness of Cochrane Systematic Reviews in Health Technology Assessments in Argentina”
2013 at HTAi 10th Annual Meeting. Seul, Korea
-“Health technology assessment report for positron emission tomography in patients with cancer” (Podium presentation)
2012 at 20th Cochrane Colloquium. Auckland, New Zealand
-“Effective searching of LILACS database for systematic reviews” (workshop)
-“Assessment of research quality in major infertility journals” (poster presentation)
-“Survey among Cochrane authors about early stages of systematic reviews” (poster presentation)
-“Identification of systematic reviews in LILACS” (poster presentation)
– “Risk difference estimation and reporting in systematic reviews” (poster presentation)
-“Reporting, handling, and judging risk of bias associated with missing participant data in systematic reviews” (oral presentation)
-“Subgroup analyses in systematic reviews: A survey of Cochrane and non-Cochrane reviews” (poster presentation)
-“Reporting of absolute estimates of effect of patient important benefits and harms in abstracts of Cochrane and non-Cochrane systematic reviews” (poster presentation)
2011 at XIX Cochrane Colloquium. Scientific Evidence for Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety. Madrid, Spain
-“Effective searching of LILACS database for systematic reviews” (workshop)
-“EROS: is it the web-based software developed to facilitate the initial phases of a Cochrane systematic review?” (meeting)
-“Using a collaborative online platform to identify systematic reviews in LILACS” (poster)
-“Characteristics of randomized controlled trials (RCT) published in Latin America and the Caribbean’s (LAC) in 2010” (poster)
-“Characteristics of randomized controlled trials published in Latin America and the Caribbean’s in 2010: a cross sectional study” (poster)
-“How evidence-based are the pharmaceutical industry’s printed promotional material presented to physicians in three Latin American countries” (poster)
-“Testing selective responses of Cochrane groups to the request of conducting a systematic review: A Crossover Randomized Controlled Trial” (oral)
-“Absolute risk reduction estimation and reporting in systematic reviews” (poster)
Alonso P, Neumann I, Glujovsky D, y col
-“Feasibility of fast track systematic review for policy makers: interchangeability between pneumococcal conjugate vaccines” (poster)
-“Relación tabaco e ingreso económico: una revisión sistemática y meta-análisis.” (poster)
-“Esquema secuencial VPI/VPO contra la poliomielitis: Revisión Sistemática y Meta-análisis.” (oral)
2011 at ISPOR 3rd Latin America Conference. Mexico DF, Mexico
-“A New Software for Early Stage of Systematic Reviews” (poster)
2011 at Annual meeting HTAi. Rio do Janeiro, Brazil
-“A New Software for Early Stage of Systematic Reviews” (oral)
2010 at XVIII Cochrane Colloquium. The Joint Colloquium of the Cochrane & Campbell Collaborations. Keystone Resort, Colorado, USA
-“How evidence-based are the pharmaceutical industry’s printed promotional material presented to physicians: a multinational study” (oral)
-“New Software for Early Stage of Systematic Reviews” (poster)
2009 at 65th annual meeting of ASRM 2009. Atlanta, USA
-“Allocating a minimum of 4 metaphase II oocytes has good reproductive outcome in a shared egg donor program” (poster)
2009 at ISPOR 2nd Latin America Conference. Río do Janeiro, Brazil
-“Tobacco and income level: a systematic review and meta-analysis” (poster)
2008 at 64th annual meeting of ASRM. San Francisco, USA
-“Is it worth testing for AMH in young oocyte donors?” (poster)
-“A randomized prospective comparison between hMG and recombinant FSH in voluntary oocyte donors.” (poster)
2007 at 63th annual meeting of ASRM. Washington, USA
-“Formula Predicting Progression to Blastocyst Using Characteristics From the First Three Days of Development of 34,708 Embryos” (oral presentation)
-“Day- 3 Embryo Morphology and Progression to Blastocyst: An Analysis of 34,708 Embryos” (poster)
-“The Number of Blastomeres on Day- 2 and the Progression to Blastocyst: An Analysis of 34,883 Embryos” (poster)
-“Estradiol levels after human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) administration are not predictive of IVF outcome: analysis of 7,474 initial fresh IVF cycles” (poster)
-“Length of time of estrogen administration in recipients does not reduce implantation rates in an oocyte donation program” (poster)
-“High ovarian response does not affect oocyte quality: a model based on sharing donated oocytes” (poster)
2006 at 62nd annual meeting of ASRM. New Orleans,USA
-“The practice of sharing donated oocytes among several recipients” (poster)
-“Assessment of motivations, attitudes and psychosocial features among voluntary oocyte donors in Argentina” (oral)
-“Pregnancy complications among ART patients that conceived with their own oocytes or through oocyte donation” (poster)
2005 at ESHRE annual meeting. Copenhague, Denmark
-“Bad quality embryos: Give them a chance with good transfer technique” (póster)
Research and Publications in peer-review journals