Buenos Aires (Argentina), the golden destination for safe surrogacy

Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina, has become the golden destination for undergoing a safe surrogacy procedure. Same sex couples (both gays and lesbians), single women and single men, and heterosexual couples seeking surrogacy are coming to Buenos Aires every week.
Any infertility treatment, for any local or international patient
Fertility Argentina is one of the top providers of these kind of services in South America. It was founded in 2007 by Dr. Demián Glujovsky who has been attending patients at Cegyr (Eugin Group) since then (most coming from overseas, mainly from the USA, Canada, Australia, many European countries and South America). It offers IVF with own or donor eggs, donor sperm, PGT-A (preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies) and, recently, it has launched a great surrogacy program for international patients coming from overseas.
A unique egg donor program
For more than 15 years, egg donation has been the star program of the clinic. Fertility Argentina has not only one of the largest and most affordable egg donor programs in the region (hundreds of patients have been coming from overseas in the last two decades), but it also shows several advantages. Some of them are the allocation of fresh eggs in just 2-3 months, the guarantee of a minimum of 7 mature eggs and a transfer on blastocyst stage. It also has a high-technology embryo lab, and the large expertise of its Director, Dr. Demián Glujovsky, who takes care of each of the patients personally.
Surrogacy, a service that is legal and available
Now, Fertility Argentina has added the service of surrogacy. Although it was launched a few years ago, the growth boom has recently occurred, in 2022. Surrogacy, a treatment where a gestational carrier carries a pregnancy to help the intended mothers/fathers/parents, is a legal option in Argentina. Moreover, it is a practice that has been growing significantly in recent years, with a growing precedent and body of law in this regard.
More and more patients have undergone surrogacy in the last few years, especially in Buenos Aires city, where the option of having birth and receiving a birth certificate in the name of the intended parents is possible and safe. Besides the cost of these types of treatments that include the legal counseling, the search of the gestational carrier, the IVF with own or donor eggs the embryo testing with PGT-A and up to 3 frozen embryo transfers is below 50,000 American dollars, which is a great opportunity for many people around the world. Of course, for those patients that provide the gestational carrier, the cost is much lower.

Usually, when any patient decides to go ahead, it takes less than six months to get a gestational carrier, to do the IVF with own or donor eggs, to test the embryos with preimplantation genetic testing and the do the frozen embryo transfer. This could be even shorter in some certain cases, according to each specific case. For those who prefer not to fly to Argentina at the very beginning, there is another option. They could, eventually, ship a sperm sample (both own or donor sperm). Of course, Fertility Argentina offers donor sperm for those who need it.

How to start the process?
Patients should contact Dr. Demián Glujovsky at Fertility Argentina. Then, Dr. Glujovsky will set a video call that will be useful to introduce himself and to know more about each patient. After that, patients will have a legal counseling and, after everything is clear enough, the process starts. Typically, a few months later, the embryo transfer is performed.
Dr. Demian Glujovsky (Director of Fertility Argentina)